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  • Fabrik Hotel / Villa Ravintola
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Welcome to enjoy the stylish ambiance and warm service of Restaurant Villa, and above all, delicious food. Our straightforward à la carte menu is built from high-quality Finnish ingredients, offering taste sensations for both experienced connoisseurs and those who appreciate traditional home cooking.


ma-pe 11-14

A la carte:
ma-pe 11-20, la 12-21, su 12-20 

Oiva-raportti »


Lounas viikko 06




Have a relaxing morning, everyone! At Restaurant Villa, we offer a delicious breakfast that includes simmered porridge, fresh yogurts, seasonal toppings, sweet pastries, and of course, freshly baked breads. Everyone is welcome to our abundant breakfast table; for hotel guests, it's always included in the room rate, and for others, it's only 15 euros. Eat well and start your day right at Villa Restaurant!



"Come and enjoy a delicious lunch on weekdays from 11 am to 2 pm. Our weekly changing diverse menu offers hot meal options as well as starters with bread and dessert coffee - and tea. If you're in a hurry, take your lunch with you. The price of lunch is €13.50.

Let's make your workplace a better place together. Make a lunch agreement with your company. If you're interested in lunch options for your company's employees at Villa Restaurant, contact us either by phone at 010 573 0100 or by email at"



Ravintola Villan lahjakortti on ulkonäöltään kaunis, ja se pitää sisällään sitäkin ylellisemmän kulinaarisen kokemuksen. Peruslahjakorttiin voit valita haluamasi summan, kun taas Menu Tasting on kolmen ruokalajin illallinen a la carte-listaltamme, johon kuuluu lisäksi kaksi mietoa tai alkoholitonta ruokajuomaa. Valitse vain, monelleko ruokailijalle lahjakortti laitetaan! Lahjakortti on näppärä napata mukaan vaikka samalla, kun käyt meillä lounaalla!

Lahjakortit ovat saatavilla ravintolan kassalta. Lisätietoja saat henkilökunnaltamme.


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